Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Evaluating Silverlight technology

At Quark Mohan and I have been working on Silverlight for a while now.

For those who dont know, Silverlight is a technology similar to Flash. Currently it is at 1.0 version. Runtime that enables silverlight has a small footprint (5MB) and is cross platform. Technology looks promising and I am really counting on Microsoft to get it mainstream.

Recently we sat down with Warren from Microsoft to talk about it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome to my blog


My name is Kapil Tundwal and I am Principal Engineer at Quark, Inc. At Quark, I have gained lot of experience in software development, its business, customers requirements and customer services. I have been described as cowboy engineer, highly creative, innovative and entrepreneur by my colleagues and superiors.

By nature, I have always asked myself "Why" before taking up and any project most of the time leading to self started initiatives.

Lately I have read Medici Effect and realized that's what my internal compass have been all along. I have always believed in cross-referencing entirely different domains and trying to come up with solutions to a problem in what others may call un-conventional.

I will be using this blog to convey such ideas, as and when they come to me, hence the name "X-Section" and following picture.


In between, when my brain is not in high gear I will be posting random notes on software business.

If any of these interests you and would like to chat about, feel free to drop me a message @ ktundwal at gmail dot com.